- Chair's Letter
Must specify proposal using explicit terms:- Appointment in the tenure stream
- Appointment with tenure
- Promotion in the tenure stream (may include satisfying the requirement for mid-course review)
- Promotion with tenure
- Conferral of tenure
- Chair letter must include appropriate pathway (Preparing a Portfolio for Appointment and Promotion) PDF
- Chair letter must provide a description of the departmental committee’s deliberation and recommendation
- Secondary Chair Letter (if applicable). For secondary appointments or promotions, letter from chair of secondary department
- Secondary appointment in basic science department encouraged for PhD in clinical department
- If more than one secondary appointment, justification must be provided
- Executive Summary written in 3rd person
- Referee Names. Must include 12 external referee names and can include up to 4 additional internal referee names.
- Suggested referees must be equivalent or higher rank than proposed rank of candidate
- Majority of referee names must be at arms' length (see page 2 of Guidelines for External and Internal Letters of Reference) for guidance.
- Suggested referees cannot be in the same primary department as candidate; cannot hold an appointment in the Office of Faculty Affairs, and cannot be an SOM Department Chair
- Suggested referees must include name, non-generic email address and phone number, institution, academic rank, and relationship
- Curriculum Vitale (Current CV must be in School of Medicine format PDF)
Web of Science Citation Report (Instructions for Citation Report and H-index)
Research Summary Form PDF (for help with the h-index calculation see Instructions for Citation Report and H-Index)
- Teaching Summary Form PDF
- Publications: Must include full article printout
- 3-5 publications (Associate Professor)
- 6-8 publications (Professor)
- Teaching documentation/evaluations are REQUIRED
- If applicable: Evaluations may be obtained from OMED, Graduate Studies, and/or the Residency Office
- If applicable: Evaluations may be obtained from OMED, Graduate Studies, and/or the Residency Office
- Annual Faculty Performance Evaluations are REQUIRED
- For submission to Provost only; not reviewed by committee
- Pitt only; prior institution not required