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Guidelines for University Base Salary Associated with Tenure

This document is provided to summarize the University of Pittsburgh policy which concerns the base salary in the School of Medicine that is associated with tenure.

  • The University base salary level associated with tenure will be capped at the median salary for the equivalent rank of tenured faculty in the basic science departments of the School of Medicine.  The salary median will be calculated by using the base salary and will not include incentives or supplements given to basic science faculty. The salary medians will be calculated at the beginning of each fiscal year and will be applied for the duration of that year.  If a tenured faculty member’s base University salary is less than the median, then the base salary level associated with tenure will be set at the faculty member’s current University base salary level.
  • A faculty member’s University base salary may be reduced to the University base salary level associated with tenure depending upon the faculty member’s performance factors.  Even though there is a set University base salary level associated with tenure, this does not preclude reducing the University base salary level below that amount if performance is not adequate.

Definition of the Salary Level Guaranteed to Future Awardees of Tenure in the Faculty of the School of Medicine (12/9/1997) PDF

Clarification of Compensation System for Tenured Faculty of the School of Medicine (6/15/1999) PDF

Update on Compensation System for Tenured Faculty of the School of Medicine (10/23/2000) PDF