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Description of Faculty Titles with Prefixes

Research Prefix

Individuals who seek faculty title with the “Research” prefix generally spend greater than or equal to 90 percent of their effort in scientific investigation. Those with the research prefix choose to contribute to the academic mission primarily by collaboration on research projects. Faculty with the research prefix may participate in educational activities but are not ordinarily expected to have regular teaching or service responsibilities.

Visiting Prefix

Faculty titles with the “Visiting” prefix are those who have been granted appointments on a temporary basis, usually limited to one academic year.

Clinical Prefix

Individuals who seek faculty titles with the “Clinical” prefix generally spend greater than or equal to 90 percent of their effort in clinical practice. The practice may be located inside or outside of the tertiary health center. The faculty title with the clinical prefix obligates individuals to contribute by supervising residents and medical students in their clinical practices or to contribute in equivalent ways. No significant involvement in education at the programmatic level or involvement in research or administrative activities is expected. No University salary or benefits are provided.

Adjunct Prefix

Faculty titles with the “Adjunct” prefix are those whose primary employment is outside an academic unit of the University. Faculty with the adjunct prefix may participate in collaborative research projects within the University setting. No University salary or benefits are provided.