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Procedure for Faculty Promotions

Faculty may be promoted in the School of Medicine to Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor.

Promotion from Instructor to Assistant Professor

Recommendations for faculty promotions from instructor to assistant professor in the tenure stream or the appointment stream are made with the approval of the Vice Dean and Dean/Senior Vice Chancellor. No committee review is required.

Promotion to Associate Professor and Professor

Department chairs recommend faculty promotion to the rank of Associate Professor and Professor. Promotion to these ranks must be reviewed by the appropriate faculty committee and subsequently approved by the Executive Committee, Senior Associate Dean, Dean/Senior Vice Chancellor, Provost, (and Chancellor for tenure actions). The options for promotion to Associate Professor or Professor are described below.

Promotion in the appointment stream

Recommendation will be reviewed by the Appointment Stream Faculty  Promotions and Appointments (ASFPA) Committee.

Promotion in the tenure stream (may include satisfying the requirement for mid-course review)

Recommendation will be reviewed by the Tenured Faculty Promotions and Appointments (TFPA) Committee.

Promotion with tenure or conferral of tenure

Recommendation will be reviewed by the Tenured Faculty Promotions and Appointments (TFPA) Committee.