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Policy on Type B Transfer from the Tenure Stream

The transfer of a faculty member with an appointment in the tenure stream to one outside the tenure stream should occur only in exceptional cases when there is a compelling argument that it is in the best interests of both the individual and the University. 

Type B –Permanent Transfer Out Of The Tenure Stream

An academic unit may decide to transfer a faculty member from a tenure-stream appointment to an appointment stream appointment, in which case the language in the Provost’s letter of notification and appointment must explicitly indicate that the transfer is intended to be permanent. The University’s expectation of activities must be stated in the letter as substantially different from its faculty who are in the tenure stream. The transfer of an individual to appointment stream status shall be made after consultation with the faculty committee concerned with recommending tenure, promotion, and hiring within the individual’s department or equivalent unit, and the dean of the school. If there is no such faculty committee, the consultation should be with tenured faculty members of the unit. Such transfer to the appointment stream shall not be used with the intent of substituting for a tenure-stream appointment or otherwise subverting the University’s Appointment and Tenure Policies.

Type B actions require the agreement of the departmental promotion committee and the faculty member's signature acknowledging that he/she has been informed of the Type B recommendation.