Faculty Actions
- New Appointments
- Tenure Stream Reappointments
- Appointment Stream Reappointments
- UCR Visiting Reappointments
- Place in New/Permanent Position
- Removal of UCR Visiting/Position Placement - Executive Committee Level
- Promotions or Conferral of Tenure
- Secondary New Appointments and Promotions
- Secondary Reappointments
- Type-B Removal from Tenure Stream
- Salary Changes
- Name Changes
- Terminations
- Faculty Address Change
- Transfer from Full-Time to Affiliated Faculty

Emeritus/Emerita Status Actions

Academic Visitors (UNPAID)
- New Appointments
- Reappointments
- Terminations
- Academic Visitors Website
- Unpaid Academic Visitor Procedure Summary – please review before starting the Academic Visitor process
Please make sure you are following the School of Medicine guidelines found under Research Associates/Visiting Scholars/Health Sciences Research Fellows/Academic Visitors section of the website.

Visiting Scholars and Health Sciences Research Fellows (PAID)
- New Appointments - Visiting Scholars (Paid)
- New Appointments - Health Sciences Research Fellows (HSRF)
- Reappointments - Visiting Scholars and HSRF
- Terminations Visiting Scholar and HSRF
Please make sure you are following the School of Medicine guidelines found under Research Associates/Visiting Scholars/Health Sciences Research Fellows/Academic Visitors section of the website.